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Bu.BI project page

Beyond lack of Understanding, Beyond disInformation



Project objectives

    • Understanding the Role of Functional Skills in Combating Disinformation
      Enhance the understanding of how functional (especially digital) literacy impacts the ability to recognize and respond to disinformation.
    • Reducing Functional Vulnerability
      Gain insights into functional vulnerability to develop strategies and tools that effectively reduce it.
    • Capacity Building for Educators
      Strengthen the capabilities of educators and staff in managing innovative educational tools, such as the Eduverse, to ensure effective learning experiences.
    • Development of Innovative Training Modules
      Create innovative educational modules tailored for implementation within the Eduverse environment, supporting adult learners in improving functional literacy and combating disinformation.

Project Implementation

    • Mutual Learning and Staff Training
      Facilitate collaborative learning and training sessions for educators to deepen their expertise in functional literacy and equip them with strategies to teach this topic effectively.
    • Development of Educational Modules
      Design and produce innovative educational modules aimed at supporting low-skilled adults in identifying and addressing disinformation. These modules will be tailored for the Eduverse platform to leverage its interactive and immersive learning potential.
    • Training in Eduverse Development
      Train educators on how to create and implement educational modules in virtual environments such as the Eduverse, enhancing their ability to engage adult learners innovatively.

Project Results

    • Enhanced Educator Competence
      Educators will gain new knowledge and skills in addressing functional literacy challenges and utilizing virtual tools like the Eduverse.
    • Innovative Educational Materials
      Development of guidelines, tools, and training modules to help low-skilled adults identify and counteract disinformation.
    • Strengthened Capacity for Virtual Education
      Educators will learn to effectively create and manage virtual learning environments to enhance engagement and impact.

Project outputs

Project News and events


Together Against Disinformation
BU.BI Project Partner Meeting in Piraeus: Together Against Disinformation

From January 27 to January 30, 2025, the partners of the BU.BI project (Beyond lack of Understanding, Beyond disInformation) gathered for a partner meeting in Piraeus, Greece. Partners came from Slovenia, Greece, Croatia, and Italy. The main goal of the meeting was to agree on the implementation of survey data collection and the organization of focus groups, which are key parts of the project's research phase.
The BU.BI project aims to enhance resilience against disinformation through innovative educational approaches. It focuses on strengthening digital competencies and critical thinking among adults to help them effectively tackle the spread of fake news. As part of the research activities, we will develop surveys and conduct focus groups in collaboration with our partners, helping to shape the educational content.

Survey Data Collection

We invite you to participate in our research by completing our survey at the following link: https://forms.gle/u6ouVEVxabw66wqZ7.

One of the key steps of the project is gathering data through surveys designed to assess functional digital literacy and problem-solving skills in technology-rich environments. The survey is being conducted across multiple countries and is aimed at adults who wish to contribute to research and improve educational content. The results will provide a better understanding of the challenges adults face in identifying and evaluating information in the digital space.


Organization of Focus Groups

We will organize focus groups based on the survey results to ensure that we include individuals with different backgrounds who face challenges in recognizing and dealing with disinformation. These focus groups will be another essential part of the research, enabling an in-depth analysis of the issues adults encounter when understanding and detecting fake news. By the end of March, we will organize three focus groups, each consisting of up to 10 participants. The goal of these meetings is to gain insights into people's difficulties and needs, helping our partners develop effective educational modules.

Continuation of Research within Education in the Metaverse

After completing this research phase, we will continue the project with a similar process focused on education in the metaverse. Key activities include training staff to use the metaverse for educational purposes, developing tools to adapt learning modules, and engaging participants in educational sessions within Eduverse. In this phase, we will again collect data through surveys and conduct focus groups to enable in-depth analysis and validation of the educational content.

Who Are We Inviting to Participate?

To successfully conduct this research, we need the support of the wider community, especially individuals over the age of 55 and those less experienced with technology. If you are willing to participate in the survey and possibly join a focus group, we invite you to fill out the questionnaire. Your opinions and experiences will be a valuable contribution to improving functional digital literacy and critical thinking skills among adults.

With your help, we can develop modern and innovative approaches to adult education and contribute to a better digital future.

For more information and to apply for participation, contact us at matej.uduc@zlu.si.

News Archive

14. 2. 2025: Article - Together Against Disinformation
6. 9. 2024: LTT sestanek Newsletter
22. 4. 2024: eNovičke ACS: Projekt BU.BI: Z razumevanjem na dezinformacije
7,8. 3. 2024: KickOff sestanek Newsletter 



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